New! Celaction 2d V3
When you create a new celaction project in v3.0 then the default size of one cel action is \"fit width\". This means that all your layers will fit on your laptops screen. However if you put your celaction into a container that is wider than your current screen, this will be reflected in your celaction. There are a few options to help get around this problem: Adding a transparent sprite button to your background; Adding an invisible z-index on all your layers to essentially make them invisible and not showing your celaction.
The celaction window can be resized to accomodate your celactions, however even when celactions are resized there will be a small white space at the top and left of the celactions window. This shouldnt be visible but you can see a little more of your celaction once its reduced in size.
When CelAction is run a new layout panel will appear above the layers. This panel currently has a list of layers. If a layer has the celaction-v3 attribute, its priority number is displayed. Because a celaction uses a scale of 0 to 1, a scale 0 layer will not display until its z value is set.
Note: We dont recommend you use FX positions in CelAction yet, as each layer will have its z value set to the maximum of the range values set when that layer is imported.
The alpha (transparency) layer. Lets the background be visible. If you have animated the background (LSion) then animating the alpha layer should be much more efficient for import and exporting. 7211a4ac4a