Fundamentals Of Music 6th Edition Answers
The resulting course3 consists of twenty drills and two practice tests and includes music notation, scales, intervals, chords and terminology. Each question in the computer drills is either multiple choice or can be answered with one typewriter character. Such a one-character response helps prevent spelling or typing errors, which would register as wrong answers even if the student knew the correct answer. In case a student types in the answer itself, the program will accept the content of the correct choice, as well as its letter. For example, if the correct answer on a multiple choice item is \"a. rhythm,\" the computer will accept either \"a\" or \"rhythm.\"
In the final evaluation, students were asked to identify the answer the teacher had provided for the correct multiple choice answer on multiple choice items. Approximately 15% of students answered a stem question in the way that best supported their own answer. Similarly, the teacher comments on each response were evaluated on both a global basis and by moving an assigned marker along the stem to follow the teacher’s comments. Students could define their answer, but their response could be limited by the stem word and limited by the teacher’s comment. Thus, the student comment on teacher commentary was nearly always strictly limited in the stem, but could always use one of the stem words to describe the answer selected.
For this final evaluation the student comment on teacher commentary and the teacher comment on student commentary were combined into a single score. This was done to prevent the observer from incorrectly assuming that the student comment had been a response to the true answer, if that answer was not the correct answer. For example, if the correct answer is \"A,\" and the student selection is \"C,\" the evaluation will be marked as student correct and teacher incorrect. Additionally, the student wrong answer score will be calculated and recorded separately. The net result of this evaluation is that the scores for each item consists of two components: the student comment on teacher’s comment (S) and the teacher’s comment on student response (T). 7211a4ac4a