Ee263 Homework 8 Solutions !!TOP!!
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4. Analysis of a linear detection system. We start by noting that youhave already simulated this system, and that you found the nullspace of theFIM to be of dimension 11, and the rank of the FIM to be 12. Youalso noticed that the first column of the FIM corresponds to the in-phaseandquadrature components of the received signal. From this, youmade an interesting observation in your previous homework, whichexplained how the FIM can be used to detect the signal. You aregoing to explore this in more detail now, and also to see how itrelates to the G-grammar. First we will show you why the FIMis the basis of the nullspace for the G-grammar.
4. Determine the target SINR values for which the method will converge. Inthis case, you do not need to workout the full solution, but insteadonly need to determine the target SINR values for which thepower controlmethod will converge. That is, the target SINR values forwhich the powers will not diverge, but will appear to converge.This part is easy, because you simulated the system for severalvalues of the target SINR, and plotted them on a chart. Youcan see the values of the powers forwhich the SINRs appeared to converge. These are the targetSINR values for which the power control method will converge.Convergence means that all of the powers will either approachsome stable value, or will diverge, but the SINRs will approachsome value.
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